Beheer je fotocollectie met Piwigo

Piwigo is open source foto-galerij-software voor het internet. Ontworpen voor organisaties, teams en individuelen

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versie 14.5.0 1 week geleden

Piwigo 14.5.0 1 week geleden

Laatste activiteit 1 dag 3 uren geleden

Duizenden organisaties en miljoenen mensen gebruiken Piwigo graag.

Waarom Piwigo kiezen?

Hoog volume

Piwigo schittert als het gaat om het classificeren van duizenden of zelfs honderdduizenden foto's.


Piwigo werd in 2002 geboren en ondersteunt al meer dan 22 jaar haar gebruikers. Altijd evoluerend!

Open source

Broncode is beschikbaar, bewerkbaar, controleerbaar en uitbreidbaar dankzij plug-ins en thema's.

Mooie fotogalerijen gemaakt met Piwigo

Photothèque Touristique du Lot
Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon

Zij houden van Piwigo


I love photography, I travel and shoot various events and so I have quite a number of photos to manage. Coming from those primitive directory-based PHP scripts, I realized I need more. Albums, tags, geo-tagging, privacy management, virtual albums, user management… And all that self-hosted. And thus, I've invited Piwigo to my life. Piwigo has all the functionality I need and it's under an active development so it's continuously improving. I love Piwigo because it's fairly easy to install and then manage, easy to backup, and it's free-and-open-source software.


Fotografen & individuen Czech Republic

I chose Piwigo to manage our photo library and I'm completely satisfied. Piwigo is cheaper, simpler and more powerful than our old software. A library of plugins allows real customization of the solution. I'm a particular fan of the ergonomics, and I recommend Piwigo without hesitation!

Jean-François Lacou, Département de l’Indre

Publieke sector France

After using many so called photography specific web hosts over the years, I could never find one with software that worked how I wanted it, always how they wanted it. Then I chanced on Piwigo one day, and created our family website of 4,000 photos. Next I created my own Piwigo website, with my 50 years of photographs in mind. What a joy! Piwigo is the three 'P's - Powerful, a Pleasure to use, and Pleasing to the eye. Thank-you Piwigo Team!

Richard Histon

Fotografen & individuen United Kingdom

We use Piwigo as a great way to share all of our project photos with all of our offices across the world. It's an easy to use platform and is great for organization. It is easy to find exactly what you need in just a few seconds.

Sprung Structures

Bedrijven Canada

Start met Piwigo

Klaar om je foto-beheer te starten met Piwigo? Treed toe tot onze gemeenschap!

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