Beheer je fotocollectie met Piwigo

Piwigo is open source foto-galerij-software voor het internet. Ontworpen voor organisaties, teams en individuelen

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versie 14.5.0 1 week geleden

Piwigo 14.5.0 1 week geleden

Laatste activiteit 22 uren geleden

Duizenden organisaties en miljoenen mensen gebruiken Piwigo graag.

Waarom Piwigo kiezen?

Hoog volume

Piwigo schittert als het gaat om het classificeren van duizenden of zelfs honderdduizenden foto's.


Piwigo werd in 2002 geboren en ondersteunt al meer dan 22 jaar haar gebruikers. Altijd evoluerend!

Open source

Broncode is beschikbaar, bewerkbaar, controleerbaar en uitbreidbaar dankzij plug-ins en thema's.

Mooie fotogalerijen gemaakt met Piwigo

Robert Miller
NOWinBRAIN - Nowinski Brain Image Gallery
Metropolitan University BelGrade
Wessex Water

Zij houden van Piwigo


Since I've been using Piwigo on my site, I can see the difference: it saves me a lot of time and is so easy to use. I'm a genealogist and my site hosts almost 80,000 photos. It's great!

Jean Sailley

Fotografen & individuen France

Piwigo is easy to install and get to grips with. The plugins enable fine-tuning of the gallery with fairly advanced features, such as automatic classification of photos according to tags or user rights management. And of course, it's an open source solution... I'm so satisfied with Piwigo that I regularly suggest this solution to my customers to create their professional photo galleries or photo libraries!

Sophie Lépissier SoFlash Production

Fotografen & individuen France

I'm a professional photographer. My old website was an online gallery, but it was 10 years old and no longer up to today's standards, notably compatibility with tablets and smartphones. So I started looking for a robust solution: 3,000 albums and 150,000 high-resolution photos. My website is an important platform, as it allows me to make a backup of my work, to have a gallery for each customer, and each customer has a 10-year history and must be able to identify himself and download his old reports. After a long search, I came across Piwigo, which met all my expectations. So I created a test gallery and realized that there was even a module that allowed me to take over my old Gallery2 website. It's been almost a year since the migration. The site is fast and handles the mass of information well. The visual customization allowed me to get exactly what I wanted. Importantly, with open-source software, the site and community forum are very active and responsive to questions and problem-solving. In short, I'm delighted to have chosen Piwigo for the centerpiece of my professional activity.

Luc Viatour

Fotografen & individuen Belgium

Over the past years I have switched between Zenphoto, Wordpress and Piwigo. After using these other systems for a while, I always returned to Piwigo. Here is why: when it comes to speed - especially with a large amount of images - Piwigo feels like the fastest system. Piwigo has an active development and a very active and friendly community. Updating to the most recent version is very easy through the backend, you save a lot of maintaining time compared to other systems. Piwigo is highly configurable with the local files editor plugin. It is very feature rich and for a gallery systems it has all the features you need - in my opinion more than other commercial addons (gallery systems for wordpress for example). If you want to run a rock stable gallery system I would highly recommend Piwigo.

Ralf Kerkhoff

Fotografen & individuen Germany

Start met Piwigo

Klaar om je foto-beheer te starten met Piwigo? Treed toe tot onze gemeenschap!

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